Public Health Core Courses

Public Health Core Courses (24 Units total)

PH 205A - Quantitative Methods for Public Health Practice I:  Integrated approach to the disciplines of Biostatistics and Epidemiology.  发展 quantitative skills to evaluate data and make evidence-based decisions. Covers conduct and design of epidemiologic studies, basic biostatistical analyses, biostatistical software, and foundational knowledge of exposure and outcome assessment (3)单位 

PH 205B - Quantitative Methods for Public Health Practice II:  Methods of public health and biostatistical data collection, management, analysis, and reporting using analytic software. The detection and control of confounding factors. (3)单位

PH 215 - Qualitative Methods for Public Health:  This course will introduce students to qualitative methods, with a focus on theory, data collection, and analysis.  Students will collect qualitative data and analyze that data using software.  Additional topics include:research ethics, study design,and community-based participatory research. (3)单位

PH 225 - Evaluation Methods for Public Health Practice:  Students will become familiar with the concepts of formative, summative, process, impact, and outcome evaluation, ethical considerations, and barriers such as time 或资源. Students will develop a viable program evaluation plan for a campus or community partner. (3)单位

PH 262 Health Policy & 组织:  In-depth examination of the organization and administration of health services in the United States. Topics include health care economics, health service expenditures, insurance theory, comparative health systems, government role, cost containment and 质量. (3)单位

PH 265 Environmental Health:  Investigation of environmental health issues: risk evaluation, risk management, hazardous materials, occupational health and safety, plus air, water, and noise pollution. Learning fundamentals of managing environmental health problems. (3)单位

PH 276 Community Organization and Health Promotion:  Advanced study of the principles, practices, and ethical considerations underlying community organization, health promotion, empowerment, and advocacy. Includes examination of the change process and introduction to the skills and tools of effective public health organizing. (3)单位

PH 277 Multicultural Communication for Health Professionals:  Theories and skills of multicultural communication necessary for effective professional practice with diverse clients, communities, staff, and colleagues. Examination of concepts and indicators of cultural competence beginning with intensive self-study and concluding with community examples. (3)单位