
系主任,博士. Monica D. AllenMonica D. 艾伦,博士,公共卫生硕士
(408) 924-2009

Dr. Allen completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences and Master of Public Health in Health Promotion and Education at Loma Linda University.  In 2005, she was awarded the Chancellor’s Fellowship to study for a Doctor of Public Health Degree at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health. In 2014 she completed the degree and the requirements for the Multicultural Specialty Certification. 

Dr. Allen has experience in a variety of health agencies, interning as an HIV/AIDS educator for the Riverside County Department of Public Health, serving as the Prenatal Access Coordinator for the Orange County Health Services Agency, and a tobacco educator 圣贝纳迪诺县公共卫生部门.  她是主任 of Physician Relations for Chapman Medical Center in Orange, California, working on managed care contracts for the hospital’s Independent Physician’s Association.  Dr. Allen spent more than 5 years as the Health Education Manager for the Inland Empire Health Plan, where she developed, implemented and evaluated programs in Asthma, Diabetes, Injury Prevention, Smoking Cessation, and Weight Loss for the Plan’s members.  She also served as the plan’s Cultural and Linguistic Services manager, providing training to the plan’s contracted providers, and overseeing the translation of all the plan’s 会员资料. Dr. 艾伦加入了美国癌症协会(ACS)加利福尼亚分部 in 2002 as the Director of Planning, her primary role being to assist in the development, distribution and implementation of the Statewide Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan.  She also evaluated ACS’s programs and services, coordinated activities of the State Cancer Plan, and served as lead staff for the Division’s Clinical Trials recruitment projects.  

Dr. 艾伦的研究重点是健康状况和结果的差异. 她的具体 interests can be incorporated into two research areas: (a) the reduction of health disparities, and (b) how to customize interventions to best meet the needs of diverse 服务不足的社区. 目前的一个项目侧重于改善社会支持 改善有色人种男性的健康促进行为.

Dr. Allen has worked at San Jose State since 2013, when she started as a lecturer 在公共卫生和娱乐部门工作. 她一开始是助理教授 in 2015, and served as the Coordinator of the Master of Public Health programs for six years. In 2021, she was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor and was elected 2022年3月担任系主任. Dr. 艾伦在校园里很活跃, she has been a member of her college’s health, curriculum, and diversity committees is currently the Faculty Co-Chair of the Campus Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and the founding Chair of the Black Spartans Advisory Council, an advocacy group working with 菠菜网lol正规平台 administration to improve the lives of Black employees and students. 

An Important Message from 公共卫生及康乐's New Chair, Dr. 莫妮卡·艾伦 (2022年7月1日):

As I assume the role of Chair of the Department of 公共卫生及康乐 at 圣何塞州立大学,我有很多事情要考虑. 我感到自豪的是 part of a department that has programs with long and robust histories on campus and 在更大的群体中. 我对他的信心感到感激和谦卑 me by the faculty, and the weight of the expectations that come with the job. I am contemplating all that I need to learn, and what it means to be successful in this role and to contribute to the success of the department by supporting our faculty, 员工、学生和校友.

In this time of transition in the department, I can’t help but think about the fact that there is great change in our society, and it doesn’t seem to be in the right direction. 最近,罗伊诉金案被推翻. 我们最高法院的韦德案意义重大 immediate and long-term impacts on the health of women and girls in this country. What is worse, we received a clear signal that this is only the beginning. In the communication that came with the decision, Justice Thomas suggested that the Supreme Court may reconsider previous decisions related to contraception and the rights of LGBTQ+社区. 在最高法院的几项裁决之后 public health, horrific scenes of gun violence, racial unrest prompted by hate crimes directed toward specific communities, a pandemic that is overwhelmingly impacting some populations disproportionately, and the visible results of climate change, the attitude of the highest court in our country is disturbing, disheartening and distressing!

As a department comprised of three programs that promote social justice, we need to 不仅仅是关心. 我们的任务是努力创造一个公平和公平的环境 公正的社会. 这是什么意思?? 不同的人有不同的东西. There are already conversations happening within the department about how to incorporate more 倡导行动纳入我们的课程. 我们将利用我们的社交媒体和其他平台 告知、教育和倡导朝着正确的方向改变. 我们有专栏文章 提交给当地和全国媒体. 校报《lol菠菜网正规平台》 《每日lol菠菜网正规平台》正在做一期罗伊诉. 韦德的决定,我们部门正在 采取措施确保我们的观点在那里被听到. 我参与了一个刚刚起步的团体 美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)在我们县的一个分会. 我知道一个教员 member that is participating in a training institute on teaching social action. These are only a few examples; I have no doubt that members of the PHR community are working 在所有层次的变化中. 我们下一步做什么取决于我们的时间和能力. The important thing is that we turn our feelings into action, that we work together to 创造我们都值得拥有的社会. 至关重要的是,作为一个社区,我们必须做出承诺 to acting on the principles that guide our disciplines: healthy communities, equity 以及社会公正.

As we react and respond to these national crises, we celebrate and welcome a new justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court. There are other encouraging signs; as I was walking in my neighborhood yesterday, I passed 一群十几岁的男孩. 他们在聊天,我听到一个人在说他的 “检查你的特权!我笑了,因为我意识到我们的信息被接受了 through. The younger generation is being taught that everyone isn’t the same and that 我们对彼此负有责任. 所以,在我开始这个转变的时候,最重要的是 I am feeling is hopeful anticipation; I am excited to see what we can do collectively 确保人们能够保持健康.